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It’s a luxurious lotion filled with natural butters and oils, non-greasy and packed full of bioavailable magnesium. In fact, for each teaspoon used you will get 250mg bioavailable magnesium! 


Your GI tract does not have to break it down first. It simply melts through your skin, straight into the bloodstream. But perhaps we need to first address why magnesium is so important: – 




Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, and plays a role in over 300 essential metabolic reactions.




Needless to say, a deficiency in this essential nutrient is going to leave you feeling out of sorts, and can pave the way for more serious health issues down the road.






A simple way to increase magnesium levels is by applying a magnesium rich lotion, such as Life Leader MagNoPain, to your skin daily. In addition to boosting levels of this nutrient, this luxurious lotion also softens and moisturizes your skin!




Here are some benefits of using Life Leader MagNoPain:


Helps greatly with:


  • Muscle cramps
  • Headaches (rub into area of pain)
  • Joint and muscle inflammation pain
  • Post workout pain (replenishes all that magnesium lost through sweating!)
  • Restless legs (rub legs anytime of the day, but very helpful to use about half an hour before bed)
  • Can lessen stress by relaxing you (rub into areas where you feel tightness – neck, shoulders, etc)
  • Can give you improved, restful sleep
  • Can improve vital calcium absorption.
  • Is thought to help detoxification of heavy metals from the body




Magnesium deficiency is very common


Bad eating habits can leave many of us with many nutrient deficiencies. As for magnesium, even health conscious people may find it challenging to get the RDA of 320mg for women and 420mg for men


As you can appreciate, applying magnesium to the skin is a fantastic way to complement your dietary intake.  And with 250mg Bioavailable magnesium per teaspoon contained in Life Leader MagNoPain this should be easily achieved.


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