Other Names:
Ulmaceae (Family) / Ulmus Fulva / Amerikan Karaagaci / Indian Elm / Moose Elm / Red Elm / Sweet Elm / Soft Elm / Gray Elm
Botanical Description:
- Slippery elm is characterized by its “slippery” inner bark, and may live to be 200 years old.
- It can reach up to 40 meters tall, and is mainly found on moist, rich soils of lower slopes and flood plains.
- The tree is browsed by wildlife and the seeds are a minor source of food.
- It has long been cultivated but has fallen victim to Dutch elm disease.
- The inner bark is harvested during the spring.
Part of Plant Used:
- Inner bark
Main Uses:
Highly mucilaginous herb used to coat the stomach and provide protection in cases of gastritis, heart burn and ulceration.
Other Traditional Uses:
- Anti-cancer activity
- Anti-tussive
- Astringent
- Demulcent
- Digestive irritation
- Emollient
- Gastritis – protect against
- Healing
- Heartburn – protect against
- Indigestion
- Mucilaginous
- Nutritive
- Soothing
- Sore throats
- stomach – coats
- Stomach ulcers
- Ulceration – protect against
- Vulnerary
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