African Cranberry is most commonly used for prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Cranberry JUICE seems to help prevent UTIs, but so far it doesn’t seem to be effective in treating UTIs. Cranberry is also used for neurogenic bladder (a bladder disease), as well as to deodorize urine in people with urinary incontinence (difficulty controlling urination). Some people use cranberry to increase urine flow, kill germs, speed skin healing, and reduce fever
African Cranberry can be taken by adults & children older than 2 years.
A powerful anti-oxidant that has proven beneficial in the following:
- Urinary tract & bladder infections
- Aids in the prevention of kidney stones
- Enhances immune system
- Relaxes you for a good night’s rest
- Assist with constipation & digestion
- Topical antiseptic
- Heals skin peeling, pimples & sores
- Improves blood circulation
- Improves absorption of nutrients
Other uses:
HIV: Clears the colon of bad bacteria & thrush, improves appetite
Women: Candida & vaginal thrush.
Pregnancy: Stopping early pregnancy dyspepsia (indigestion)
African Cranberry can be taken by adults & children older than 2 years.
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